Similar to death, but slightly more specific, according to, dreaming about drowning can represent you feeling overwhelmed by difficult emotions or anxieties. Water and drowning often indicates you are facing unknown changes, but just remember that in dreams we can never die or get hurt...Teeth Falling Out
I've experienced this sort of dream quite a few times, but not for a few years. While the dream itself is not nice, the meaning behind it actually symbolises change and/or the fear of losing something important as reported by (and with a URL like that they must know what they're talking about)Being Chased
Another common dream is that of being chased, either by a monster, person, or by an unidentified being. As stated on being chased is usually your subconscious telling you that you're going for the 'flight' option rather than 'fighting' and confronting certain issues in your life.
Test Taking Dreams
One more which I haven't experienced in a while, but I remember quite vividly from my University days were exam and test dreams. The dream usually consists of the dreamer feeling anxious, unprepared or doubting how they will ever pass the exam - Not the best sense of confidence if you've got an upcoming test. explain this sort of dream to mean that you are quite simply feeling unprepared about something in your life.
Celebrity Related Dreams
This dream is listed as another common dream, and possibly a slightly more enjoyable dream compared to the ones discussed above. As stated on it's impossible to have any exact meaning for people in your dreams, as we tend to perceive each other in completely different ways. Celebrities and famous people in your dream may also represent your thoughts and feelings about that particular celebrity. Maybe you are spending a lot of time thinking about that person in your everyday life which is why they've appeared in your dream. On the other hand, a celebrity may reflect an idea or situation which you feel is more important than anything else in your life.
This blog is in collaboration with Adjustamatic and getting better quality sleep!
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