Tuesday, 22 August 2017

How to Create an Instagram Worthy Home

If you’re a regular reader of my blog then you’ll know I’ve got a soft spot for interior design. I love how you can change a house to a home with a few little tricks!

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Drayton Manor Review

I visited Drayton Manor theme park with work (Lumix UK) for a team building and training day, in which we were put in their hotel for an overnight stay and then had a few hours at the park. As I grew up in Worcestershire this is the theme park I used to visit with school so I was interested to see how much it had changed.

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

City Cruises Afternoon Tea Review & Traverse Bloggers Event

I've been blogging for just over 2 years and so I'm always behind the camera trying to capture things, but on Wednesday I decided to mix things up a bit and film my day to London to show you what we get up to, which includes a visit to Smollesky's and a ride on City Cruises!
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