Last week, I visited a stunning new property in Penarth Heights and have complied my favourite bits of decor into this post so you can get your interior design fix! Read on for my tips:
Colour Scheme
Sticking to neutral colours in a room always looks great on Instagram and Pinterest photos, as having white or cream walls make it look clean and contemporary. I then think it's fun to add elements of colour with little decorative pieces like the items mentioned below. It also means that in the future if you decide to change the vibe of your room you can simply replace any decorative items and hey presto, you have a new room with the same walls!
I love candles, as I’ve said many times before, so when I saw this beautiful copper holder in the lounge I thought it looked sleek and stylish while also making it feel homely. You can also achieve a similar look with fairy lights if you'd rather not have naked flames.
Going on from candles, lighting is key to make a house homely. We are gone from the days where they just had to be a bulb on the end of a cord, now you can brighten up your room with a fascinating light, and my top tip is to go for warmer bulbs that compliment the light from the candles.
I hope you’ve enjoyed my post, what’s your top tip for making your home pop?
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Photos with 'NP' watermark by Nutty Pear / Explore with Ed
This post is a collaboration with Crest Nicholson. All opinions are my own.
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