Wednesday, 18 March 2015

My Top Tips for Road Trips!

If you've read any of my other posts then you will know that I like to travel places and do lots of exploring. However, getting to some of those places with public transport can be a bit of a nightmare, so if you're like me and usually go by car, this post is for you!

Friday, 13 March 2015

Behind the Scenes at the Lola and Me Shoot

I was lucky enough to get invited to the Lola and Me photoshoot over the weekend, along with the very talented photographer Lisa-Jane, the video production company Spin the Yarn, some gorgeous models (Sarah, Courtney and Sarah) and an excellent makeup team (Milly, Natasha and Emily), as well as the lovely Kath who was the reflector queen for the day!

Monday, 9 March 2015

Penarth Light Display - Celebrating 150 Years!

Although I'm originally from the lovely English county of Worcestershire, I have lived in South Wales since attending university here in 2010. I have really grown to love Wales, it has so much to offer and such a variety of scenery. I particularly love the way that they celebrate and embrace the history, which is exactly what happened on Wednesday 4th March in Penarth...
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